Welcome to use IdeaCalc!
2016-5-10 V3.6
1. Whole new currency conversion UI, which can drag to re-sort.
2. Offline download currency data.
3. Fast input self-defined function and expression.
4. Self-defined function can call other self-defined function.
5. Self-defined function name and viarable name can contain number.
6. Realized wechat pay.
7. Solved problem that not support Android 6.0.
2015-11-16 V3.5
1. Realized flat black theme.
2. Redrawed icon.
3. Enlarged text area.
4. Optimized words input mode.
5. Realized keyboard mode select UI.
6. Optimized other UI.
7. Realized double click AC to clear(to avoid False touch AC button).
2015-7-13 V3.4
1. Realized edit mode.
2. Realized thousand separator.
3. Added theme crystal gray.
4. Fixed divide line display error.
5. Fixed read out result error.
6. Optimized string display speed.
7. Optimized full text mode.
2015-5-11 V3.3
1. Realized total and statistics function.
2. Functions and constants can be wrote by unicode.
3. Added classic purple theme.
4. Optimized default theme.
5. Optimize upgrade function.
2015-4-5 V3.2.3
1. Removed splash UI, promote the startup speed.
2015-3-24 V3.2.2
1. Realized long pressing to paste from clipboard.
2. Add switch to read out numbers only.
3. Add portrait_mode.
4. Add QR code download function.
5. Improved starting up.
6. Improved some ui.
2015-2-24 V3.2.1
1. Realized modify history record function.
2. Realized export to text file.
3. Add switch of repeat last calculation.
4. Fixed currency retrieving problem and increase speed to access currency.
5. Fixed slow problem of hex conversion of some cell phone.
2015-1-29 V3.2.0
1. Realized amount in words.
2. Add luxury gold theme.
3. Add two functions: greatest common divisor and least common multiple.
4. Fixed theme error.
5. Pop up a dialog after submit suggestion successfully.
6. Add troy ounce in unit conversion.
7. Fixed some other bugs.
2014-12-24 V3.1.1
1. Input decimal point intelligently.
2. Open black theme as free theme.
3. Fixed response delay problem on some devices.
4. Fixed abnormal exit error.
5. Support android 5.0.
2014-11-24 V3.1.0
1. Realized count up and count down function, by pressing enter in next blank line.
2. Realized submit suggestion function.
3. Optimized start-up speed.
4. Resolved black screen problem at start up.
5. Adjust dividing line to make words and cursor at center of line.
6. Fix bug of replacing operator.
7. Fix error of illuminance conversion.
2014-9-29 V3.0.0
1. Realized words input function.
2. New themes.
3. Optimized button layout.
4. Redraw some icons.
5. Realized ANS button.
6. Insert newline by intelligent.
7. Save text on pressing equal button to avoid content lost.settings.
8. Pressing dot button repeatedly will insert only one dot.
2014-6-16 V2.1.2
1. Realized simplest button mode.
2. Added real voice button.
3. Realized hex conversion with decimal.
4. Realized different calculation text height with different key mode.
5. Pressing back button twice to exit.
6. Fixed not effect error after make changes in settings.
2014-5-27 V2.1.1
1. Optimized the button image.
2. Realized forward copied text function.
3. Set permutation function P(n,m) and combination function C(n,m) as built-in function.
4. Realized share function.
5. Optimized authorization.
6. Fixed some bugs.
2014-5-5 V2.1.0
1. Homework check function, most favorite function for teachers and parents.
2. Mute button.
3. Function row drag.
4. Optimized the theme.
5. Switch the digital buttons to right side on horizontal screen.
6. Optimized big button mode.
7. Add some function for free user.
8. Insert text history when read history text.
9. Optimized update check function.
10. Fixed error: blank space at end text on android 4.3 and above.
11. Fixed some error of calculation.
2014-3-15 V2.0.0
1. New theme, more neatly.
2. Theme selectable.
3. New icon.
4. Continuous calculation.
5. Operator substitute.
6. Realized remembering the position of fast input row.
7. When switching big button mode, the font size of button will also change.
8. Update and fixed some flag pictures.
9. Fixed some bugs.
2013-4-2 V1.41
1. Renamed to IdeaCalc, to thank for the ideas from cyber-friend.
2. Hexadecimal conversion.
3. Big button mode.
4. Realized upgrade check function.
5. Optimized UI.
6. Modified the default order of digital buttons and other buttons.
7. Not read out result setting.
8. The base x logarithm of the argument: log(x,y).
9. Realized long press clearing function in unit conversion and currency conversion.
10. No reading out the result function.
11. Optimized other functions.
2012-11-14 V1.40
1. New UI, more buttons.
2. Double tap to get into full screen.
3. Calculation text save and read.
4. Dragging 3rd button row to switch functions.
5. Pressing "︽" and "︾" button to switching display mode.
6. Variable X,Y,Z function.
7. Can input "%","‰" and scientific notation "E".
8. Long pressing backspace button to delete from cursor to start of the line.
9. Solved long loading time problem in some mobile phone.
10. Fixed unable-to-keep-screen-on problem after switching screen.
11. Fixed error that "." becomes "," in spanish and some other languages.
12. Fixed a bug on identifying a null line.
2012-8-26 V1.39
1. Realized icon button.
2. Support the language of Taiwan.
3. Support low resolution as 240x320.
4. Fixed cursor compatibility problem in android 4.1.
5. Fixed some error in v1.38.
6. Optimized UI.
2012-7-16 V1.38
1. Realized real voice result-sounding. Such as:1234 will be read as one thousand two handred and thirty four.
2. Realized value copy and paste.
3. Realized import and export user-defined data to SD card.
4. Added user guide UI.
5. Realized modify function to user-defined data.
5. Fixed user wait problem when retrieving currency conversion.
6. User can input negative value in temperature conversion UI now.
7. Fixed text value unsaved problem when switch screen in unit and currency conversion.
2012-6-20 V1.37
1. Realized voice function. To adjust volume, just press volume adjust button.
2. Adjusted position of some buttons.
3. Corrected background color problem in constant and function list.
4. Adjusted default settings of button feedback and keep-screen-on function.
2012-6-1 V1.36
1. Degrees, minutes, seconds conversion.
2. Added remark to self defined constants and functions.
3. Updated the icon.
4. Realized choose unit by drag bar.
2012-5-15 V1.35
1. Put colors on operators. Optimize the color of UI.
2. Fixed the problem of not display as full screen in full screen mode.
3. Solved word overlapping problem of constant and function category in some HD screen.
4. fixed unsmooth problem when switching constant or function category.
2012-5-1 V1.34
1. User can define functions and constants.
2. Can calculate without multiply symbol beside brackets, as: 3(1+2)(2+3)=45.
3. Added change over button and convert button in unit conversion and currency conversion UI.
4. Added setting "Save text before exit".
5. Bracket input changed to “()”.
6. Added factorial symbol “!”.
7. Corrected a bug like round(2.5)=2.
8. Corrected Sq.Zhang convert error.
9. Corrected some other errors.
10. Removed the title bar.
2012-3-20 V1.33
1. Press "=" to recalculate equation.
2. Categorised constant and function.
3. Automatically remember the category position and list position of constant and function.
4. Corrected the problem of cursor before "1" in unit and currency conversion for some cellphone.
5. User can choose the length of button feedback.
6. Corrected some errors in unit conversion.
2012-3-6 V1.32
1. Solved no cursor problem in android 3.0 and 4.0.
2. User can choose display split lines or not.
3. User can choose not to display the result in next line.
4. User can choose display text hint message or not.
5. Automatically remember the position of constant and function.
6. Solved the problem of position lost when screen switch in unit conversion and currency conversion UI.
7. Corrected the conversion error of tsp, tbsp, cup, floz, cubic feet and cubic inches.
8. Added function of rem() and quo().\n9. Enlarged the calculate screen space.
2012-2-10 V1.31
1. Decimal place accuracy choosable(only when scientific notation off).
2. Corrected some error in unit conversion.
3. Put in illuminance conversion.
4. Remember position in unit and currency conversion.
2012-2-3 V1.30
1. Real time exchange rate.
2. Save text size before exit.
3. Added keep-screen-on function.
4. [1]-[9] in reverse in main UI.
5. Improved the precision of result.
6. Can choose not to use scientific notation symbol \'E\' in result.
7. Improved the UI code.
2011-12-15 V1.20
1. Adaptive to PAD and all the other kinds of screens.
2. More beautiful icon.
3. Support symbol [*][/] and [×][÷].
4. Support full screen mode and not full screen mode.
5. Support x√y and √y, disabled [!] temporarily.
6. Present new features on the first run.
2011-12-1 V1.10
1. Black and white theme.
2011-11-7 V1.0
The first version.